Friday, March 11, 2011

Nvidia Releasing Dual GPU card

   It looks like AMD beat Nvidia to the first dual GPU card this time but they're still going to be a close second. Nvidia plans on releasing their Dual GPU GTX 590 on March 22nd.

   No specs have been given yet but it won't be long now. Will this kick the 6990 out of it's way? What kind of performance could you get out of two of them?

Sony's NGP Release Date (Too long in my opinion)

   So by now I'm sure everybody has heard about the NGP (Next Generation Portable) Which will be the next PSP. With dual touchscreens, dual analog sticks(Finally!) and PS3 graphics it sounds like a tempting combination. And now you might know when you can stop drooling.

   It looks like Europe is the lucky continent this time, being the place where it all goes down. The NGP has a November 11th release date which might sound familiar. That seems like a popular date to bring things out this year because of the 11.11.11 date. Just going to throw this in here, I'm really tired.

Blackberry Playbook to Finally Have a Release Date?

It seems that the rumors were true. The release date for Blackberry's seven inch tablet seems to be April 10th. With pre-orders being available a bit before that. So Blackberry fans only have to wait one more month until they can get their hands on one.